Big, colorful and effective, wallscapes and building wraps are used to promote everything from loft conversions and new building construction to major league sports events and heartburn relief. Suspended stories-high from the sides of buildings, they reach large numbers of people with a single display.

But potential advertisers are often unfamiliar with how to purchase, install and utilize these advertising giants to their best advantage. Here are 5 tips for sidestepping potential pitfalls and achieving maximum impact from these monster signs.
1. Location
Location is critical. Evaluate nearby traffic patterns and how potential audiences will see the message. Are they walking the sidewalks or riding in cars, buses or commuter trains? Consider these factors and choose a location that will maximize exposure.

2. Permits and Licenses
Work closely with the building owners or managers to make sure the location you are considering is available. Identify local/state permits and licenses that may be required to post a wallscape or building wrap. Violating local posting laws can prove expensive if authorities demand the removal of your signage before it has a chance to be seen.
3. Fit and Installation
Once a location is selected, it is critical to work with a reputable installer. An experienced installer can identify the optimal positions for his cranes or how to best access roof areas. This is an important step that can make or break your effort. High winds and inclement weather can destroy poorly installed signage causing it to fall into the street below.

Learn more about this award winning Nationwide Insurance wallscape promotion here.
4. Good Design
As with most print advertisements, one creative axiom consistently holds true: less is more. Keep the message simple and use vibrant color for big impact. Hire an experienced graphic design professional—it's money well spent.
5. Print with the Best
Everything hinges on how well your wallscape is printed and finished. Be sure the large format printer you select is reputable and has significant wallscape and building wrap experience. Look at their portfolio of samples.
Ask where you can see their building wraps in the field. And make certain they work with your installer or have them recommend a reputable installer.
Wallscapes and building wraps are a booming category in outdoor advertising and, as with most successful advertising and promotion efforts, a well-conceived and carefully executed plan can reap enormous rewards.
Need help planning your next extra large wallscape promotion? Call Commerce Color at 888 781-7702 and speak to a building wrap expert.